Monday, May 18, 2009

Bald Eagle Sighting!

A bald eagle decided to do a little hunting for lunch right in front of the beach house. It chomped on this fish for about 15 minutes before plucking another one from the ocean. Totally cool!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Cape Storm

Cape Storm, originally uploaded by Jacksonville Johnson.

We had a pretty good storm roll in right before dinner. Lots of lightning!

Beach Dogs

Beach Dogs, originally uploaded by Jacksonville Johnson.

Dio & Kiki are back in the beach zone! Lookout!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Beach House

Beach House, originally uploaded by Jacksonville Johnson.

We arrived at the beach house in Cape San Blas today. Here's a shot of the house from the beach. Nice!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Bonus Nature!

Wow, what a morning for nature here at Casa Johnson. Not only did we get the raccoon, we also had a wild turkey come for a visit. Unfortunately, I was not able to get a shot of him walking around on the roof. C'est la vie...


Our local raccoon came by for some breakfast today.It's tough to get a picture of him as the sound from the shutter spooks him.